A Re-pipe Project

A large renovation plan is about to ensue. Concerns were voiced as the THP  paperwork stated from 07-22-2019 to 08-22-2019 'total inaccessibility of fixtures while they are being worked on between the hours of 8am to 4 pm.' all fixtures: kitchen sink faucets, lavatory sink faucets, toilets, tubs, and showers.

Several tenants filed for a hearing voicing concern about having no accesses to water or toilets, and asking how the existing asbestos and mold would be handled to limit our exposure.

6 of us went to the hearing to voice our concerns. On June 11 we drove downtown and rallied with an advocate sent to help from CES. We each spoke and it was asked how this company could be allowed to begin yet another project when the others they had begun were still in progress. The yards were still bare, the retrofit had all but stopped, leaving gaping holes in the walls and ceilings with exposed wiring and cables.
It seems our concerns fell upon deaf ears. The THP was approved. Our possible exposure to hazardous substances was not addressed. And more alarming, the plumber stated that he would only be sealing the walls with construction paper and, at a later date, PPM would hire a different crew to patch, sand, and paint. He also stated that he would take no responsibility for lost pets or property damaged or stolen!
