Retrofit Update In Pictures

PAR Construction is doing a soft retrofit on our building that began November 2018. 
This the current state of our building. Neighbors riding by on their bikes stop to read the posted notice.

 Word has got around the neighborhood that our building is condemned, but then all of the trees were cut out and the plaster removed in large patches leaving exposed wires and cables. 

For months now we have been forced to park on the street to allow the work crew access, even though they rarely show up when they are scheduled. 

The retrofit project was to be completed in March but as you can see PAR construction missed that date. An extension was filed and granted extending the project to 08- 01-2019 but it is apparent PAR is not going to make that date either. 

Is it any wonder we are concerned about the looming repipe 
renovation project? Several tenants have voiced that they suspect that the owner's intent is to make our building uninhabitable. Which by the way, Brent Parsons stated at the very first hearing, "The owner absolutely wants you out!" 

when the construction trash bin was full the crew dumped the rest of the debris behind the wall in our parking-lot.  
